// Brêakfåst in Mültifaitħ Eŭrőpe //

Coffee, der Kaffee, du café & il caffè awaits you at LBFN’s own contribution to Inter Faith Week 2010 at 8.30-10am on Tuesday 23rd November!

A chance to explore opportunities for intercultural learning across Europe between local multifaith groups and practitioners: come & share your local experiences and expertise.    We have limited space at 24 Greencoat Place, SW1P 1RD, so you’ll need to pre-register.

LBFN has been looking at the possibility of strengthening links with similar groups in other European cities for about a year now – this breakfast will pool our knowledge and sift ideas.

Leave a comment below or contact convener@lbfn.org for more information and to register.

2 thoughts on “// Brêakfåst in Mültifaitħ Eŭrőpe //

  1. Pingback: Europe: building trust between communities | London Boroughs Faiths Network

  2. Pingback: European network on religion & belief – 28th November | London Boroughs Faiths Network

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