May 24th – Health & Wellbeing

Andrew Lansley (photo: Dept of Health, Creative Commons)

It’s all change with the NHS at the moment.

At local level, the Primary Care Trusts are on their way out (some have already gone) and GP consortia are being set up, ready to take full responsibility for local health care by April 2013.  The Andrew Lansley ‘pause’ is likely to bring more accountability – and will probably require an amendment to the legislation (expected by December).

Responsibility for public health is no longer with the NHS.  Each London council now has a Heath & Wellbeing Board, an acknowledgement that good health/mental health depends not just on GPs and hospitals but on education, housing, community safety, employment, green spaces, etc.

“Patients must be at the heart of everything we do, not just as beneficiaries of care, but as participants, in shared decision-making.  As patients, there should be no decision about us, without us.”    Health Secretary Andrew Lansley

Our next LBFN meeting will focus on the health of our communities, and in particular how inequalities in health can be tackled in a sustained way.

  • How can churches, mosques, temples & other local faith communities take up these new opportunities?
  • How can we involve ourselves in positive conversations with local councils and GP consortia?
  • How can we bring about real improvements in the health and wellbeing of our congregations and the wider community?

Malik Gul, Director of Wandsworth Community Empowerment Network, will lead an interactive session, sharing the ups and downs of working closely with public agencies at local level and how religious groups are co-designing the kind of health services they need.

We are meeting in Knightsbridge, SW7 on

TUESDAY 24th MAY 10.30am – 12.30pm, ending with refreshments at 1pm

As ever, please let the Convener know (by May 20th if possible) if you are planning to come.  Details will be sent to you.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

1 thought on “May 24th – Health & Wellbeing

  1. Pingback: Today’s meeting | London Boroughs Faiths Network

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