Thursday 17th November – next meeting

We are invited to the London Fire Brigade’s HQ (just south of the river, in Southwark, SE1) for our next meeting (see previous post).

We’ll gather on the morning of Thursday 17th November – and the LFB has kindly arranged a visit for us afterwards to the adjoining London Fire Brigade Museum.

We’ll be hearing more about the Near Neighbours programme and sharing news from across the capital.  Inter Faith Week (20-26th November) will be around the corner and we’ll have updates about opportunities during the Olympic and Paralympic season next year (see our London 2012 page for the latest news).

Anything you would like to include on the agenda or share with us?  Please let me know asap.

As ever, please let me know if you are planning to join us and I will send details.  Your name needs to be on the list to gain entry, so please be in touch by 14th November if possible.

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