Every borough in London – 2012 Inter Faith Walks

Poster for South London Inter Faith Group's 2011 Walk

A special invitation has been received by LBFN to join South London Inter Faith Group on Wednesday 8th February 6.30-8pm (includes a hot vegetarian meal) at Southwark Cathedral Education Centre, London Bridge, SE1 to find out about this year’s Inter Faith Walks.

Sarah Thorley and Rashid Laher will be there to share tips and know-how from past walks (see left).

Is there a walk planned for your own borough during the weekend of 14th – 15th July?  If not, why not organise one?

It’s a great way of bringing together people from many different religious & belief traditions.  They might not have had the chance to meet or to visit their local places of worship and practice.  The hospitality given and received on these occasions is seldom forgotten.

LBFN is supporting SLIFG in encouraging every borough in London to take part on the same weekend of this special Olympic and Paralympic year.  Lots of help is at hand – come along and find out more.

Upload your invitation here and read Sarah’s second letter to us all here.

Let LBFN &/or Sarah know if you plan to be there or would like some more information.

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