Inter Faith Walks 2012: City Hall meeting + £100

Here is an invitation to City Hall on Tuesday 15th May at 6.30pm from South London Inter Faith Group.SLIFG has helped local groups organise inter faith walks for many years.  They’re a great way for local people from different religious and other traditions to meet each other, visit local communities and learn from our neighbours.

This Olympic year (and the walks will be part of the Olympic Truce) they are inviting all the London boroughs to walk on the same weekend – 14th or 15th July.  What’s more, they are offering £100 to each participating borough** Ooops, in fact £100 only available for South London boroughs – thank you Sarah for correcting me.

Organising walks means working in partnership with the local police; your local borough commander may like to match SLIFG’s donation.

Come along to find out more, receive your cheque and meet everyone else.  To register, email SLIFG.

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