Twenty Twelve – multifaith episode

BBC2’s Twenty Twelve – Fridays at 10pm

For any Londoners involved in London 2012 (and who isn’t going to be affected in some way or other?), BBC2’s comedy series Twenty Twelve (Fridays 10pm) has gradually become a parallel and (we hope) absurd tale of how the team organising the Games is getting on.

Tonight’s episode (catch it here) continues the story of the “Shared Belief Centre” in the Olympic Village.  Spot the deliberate mistake(s) and enjoy some achingly familiar scenes.  The preview clip shows two of the team trying to prevent someone from “Muslim Focus UK” from seeing a visitor to the 2012 site who is wearing a clerical collar.  Solution: the vicar “could so take that thing off – he’s way cool about that stuff.”

Those with an interest in shared belief centres – and there are plenty in London – will be interested to read the findings of a Religion and Society study on multifaith spaces, presented at the University of Manchester last week – are they ‘housing difference’ or places of encounter?  A paper from the study is also worth a read.

Since life imitates art, the Revd Duncan Green, a regular visitor over the years to LBFN meetings and London 2012’s Head of Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Services (the real-life one), has this week moved into the Multi Faith Centre in the Athletes’ Village.  Here is a BBC report about his work and you can read Duncan’s blog here.

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