European Network on Religion and Belief 29th-30th May

LBFN is one of the groups bringing together a network of Europeans who are working across religious and belief boundaries.  The network has now been registered under the unsurprising name of European Network on Religion and Belief.

Vice-President of the European Parliament, Dr László Surján, has kindly invited us to the EU Parliament in Brussels on Tuesday 29th May at 3pm.

There will be a reception nearby that evening and an intercultural breakfast, workshops and lunch the next day so that groups from across Europe can get together and work out priorities for the first year or two.  A formal launch is planned for the autumn.

The title for discussion at the meeting on 29th May is a bit long-winded but highly topical – SECURITY: the contribution of Europe’s diversity of religions, humanist and philosophical traditions to overcoming discrimination, violence and extremism.

Let LBFN know if you’d like to apply for an invitation.  It promises to be a fascinating afternoon, with the opportunity of meeting multifaith/interconvictional groups and practitioners from across Europe.  Places are limited for the Parliamentary meeting, but there is more space at the subsequent events.

LBFN will be making one of several very short presentations at the EU Parliament – shall we add this topic to the agenda for our next LBFN meeting so that everyone’s views are shared?  Let me know your thoughts.

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