Free tickets for the Paralympic Games for young people affected by the 2011 riots

LOCOG’s Duncan Green writes

“LOCOG has allocated me 100 FREE Paralympic Athletic Stadium Tickets to be used on the evenings of the 5th and 6th September (50 each night).

These tickets are for young people in the communities affected by the riots, that we in the faith communities are in touch with.

I invite you to nominate named individuals to be entered in a draw for a ticket.

I also invite you to identify young people who have made an outstanding contribution to their peer group and community during this past year from these areas, again to be entered into a draw for a ticket. (Young people defined as 16-25 yrs .)

Please use your community contacts to provide names especially of those who are unemployed, in hard to reach groups or at risk and who otherwise would not get a chance to attend an event.”

Please let LBFN know your nominations asap, or email Duncan the names (and the person who has nominated them) by 12noon on August 29th when the draw will take place.

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