Invitation to Houses of Parliament for mini-launch

All London Boroughs Faiths Network members and friends are warmly invited to the Houses of Parliament for a short but special event tomorrow morning (Friday) at 11.30am.

Local mosques and Islamic centres across London will be opening their doors and welcoming in visitors on UN International Day of Peace.  This is a London Peace Network intiative for local Islamic centres, which has brought the main Muslim organisations together in support, and which LBFN has been co-ordinating.

Lord Bates, the champion of the Olympic Truce, has kindly invited us to launch our activities at Westminster Hall at the Houses of Parliament on Friday 21 September at 11.30am.

We will also be launching The Cordoba Foundation’s Occasional Papers, Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Future, which includes contributions on the subject of peace and on the International Day of Peace from the Grand Mufti of Bosnia-Hertzegovina and the Archbishop of Canterbury.  Copies will be available for everyone to take away.

Please download the invitation here.

It will be more of a mini-launch, since people will need to leave at 12.15pm for the huge range of activities planned at Islamic centres and mosques across the capital during and after Friday Prayers.

You will find a list of participating Islamic centres on the London Peace Network blog.

Please join us!  Let me know and I will add your name to the guest list.  I look forward to seeing you there.

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