Round-up of London Peace Network news

As the weather cools and memories of our Olympic summer fade, have a look at the London Peace Network blog for the latest news and pictures of Olympic Truce events.

UN International Day of Peace, Tooting Islamic Centre, and prayers for peace

South London Inter Faith Group Walks in the City/Southwark and Merton

Imperial War Museum and an earlier visit

Open Iftar meals in Waltham Forest, Lambeth & Harrow

2012 Hours Against Hate


Near Neighbours Olympic Torch pledge

St Ethelburga’s This is Not a Plate

Ramadan Festival’s Dine @ Mine


Ringing bells for the Olympic Truce – and meeting Ban Ki-moon

War and Peace Festival at St John’s Waterloo

If you have any pictures or news you’d like added, please send them in.

So many of us have been involved in extra peace-making and trust-building activities during 2012.  We’ll be listening to some of these stories at our next meeting.  Please let me know if you’d like to share yours.


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