Prison | play by Charlie Ryder on 20 November

Charlie Ryder is a familiar face at LBFN meetings.  Over the years, we have benefited from Charlie’s sincere and challenging reflections from his work at Wormwood Scrubs, most recently at the Multi Faith Spaces event and notably during our wide-ranging discussion after last summer’s riots.

He is a puppeteer, actor and director, and is giving a rare and honest one-man play portraying an insight into the prison system, putting a face to what is often the faceless idea of “the prisoner”.

In October 1993, Charlie Ryder took part in a violent protest to shut down the BNP headquarters in Welling, South East London. He was arrested and sent to prison for 16 months. While in prison, he received a letter of support from a British Holocaust survivor, Leon Greenman. Charlie kept this letter in a scrapbook with poetry and artwork to record his time inside. In 2007, Charlie brought the scrapbook to life and turned his experience into a one man play using puppets, masks, physical theatre, dance and silence. The play’s aim is to question people’s perceptions of prison and prisoners.

At the Greencoat event, the play will be followed by a clip from the “Stories of Healing” film, which Charlie is currently developing. The film combines interviews and collaborations with puppeteers to share stories of people who use art to heal from trauma. This will be followed by a guest speaker who is one of the survivors of trauma featured in Charlie’s film.

Finally, a 3 panel Talkback session will be chaired by Anita Amendra, Project Manager Sustainable Communities. The panel will consist of the folowing: Michael Kavanagh Acting Head of Prison Chaplaincy, Charlie Ryder and Andrew Hillas from London Probation Trust.

Venue: Initiatives of Change UK, 24 Greencoat Place, Victoria, London SW1P 1RD
Refreshments from 6.30pm; performance at 7.00pm; ending 9pm.
RSVP to:  Tel: 020 7798 6000
Entry is free but there will be a collection for expenses.  Download the flyer.

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