FFL’s Faith and Policing Conference 23 April

Met_PoliceOn the morning of 23 April, Faiths Forum for London is teaming up with the Metropolitan Police to host a conversation about the relationship between the police and faith communities.

FFL’s Director, Phil Rosenberg, says

This initiative comes at the request of the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, who will be among the participants.  Topics covered will include:

Diversifying the Met
Tackling Hate Crime
Faith Responses to Major Incidents
Enhancing Local Relationships
Addressing Youth Crime

Many of us will be interested in all these topics and will be able to contribute from our own local experience & expertise.

LBFN has been asked to contribute to the Enhancing Local Relationships breakout group.  I’m hoping an officer from the British Transport Police will also be able to join us.

More information about the conference is on FFL’s website.

Download the Registration Form here and return it to FFL at info@faithsforum4london.org.

1 thought on “FFL’s Faith and Policing Conference 23 April

  1. Tx :-)


    On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 6:25 PM, London Boroughs Faiths Network wrote:

    > ** > Catriona Robertson posted: “On the morning of 23 April, Faiths Forum > for London is teaming up with the Metropolitan Police to host a > conversation about the relationship between the police and faith > communities. FFL’s Director, Phil Rosenberg, says This initiative comes at > the re”

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