St George’s Day


Google’s special logo for today, dragon and all.

Today is St George’s Day and many LBFN folk will be well aware that St George wasn’t born on Battersea Park Road – or anywhere else in England.  He was born in the Middle East and continues to be well respected by the people there.

The Christian Muslim Forum is encouraging us to call upon all people of goodwill to:

  • stand up against the hijacking of a national hero by those who promote Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and other forms of discrimination 
  • oppose the modern ‘dragons’ of hatred and intolerance
  • say: ‘As the diverse people of England, we are comfortable with difference, and each other. St George’s Day is a time for highlighting harmony and peaceful national pride.’

Those of us involved in Hate Crime Forums with the police and in other anti-discriminatory activities may have an opportunity to celebrate St George’s Day by enjoying

st george flaga new, relaxed and confident, English national identity. A place where a hijab is as welcome as bangers and mash, and no-one is attacked for their race, religion (or lack thereof) or any other belief.

Find the full text here and CMF’s page here.  The twitter stream is #stgeorge4all.

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