Faith to Engage | Thursday 9th May

Next LBFN meeting: Thursday 9th May 9.30 for 10am – 12.30pm

Thank you to everyone who has been saving the date for LBFN’s next meeting.  We are happy to be joining up with the Faith to Engage team, the London Churches Group for Social Action, Faithworks and Faiths Forum for London – quite a crowd!

Coffee will be served from 9.30am for a 10am start at Robert Perks Room, Central Hall Westminster, Storey’s Gate, SW1H 9NH.

Main_RobertFaith to Engage

We will be hearing about the national Faith to Engage project (which works to strengthen the voice of churches and faith groups in policy-making across the nine English regions) as well as the results of the London survey “Better Off Without Them? Report of a pilot study into the proportion of voluntary sector welfare projects organised by churches and other faiths.”  As well as our own responses, we will hear from LVSC and local organisations.

Bring your latest publications and information

We will have less time than usual for information sharing, but a great opportunity to exchange news informally in a beautiful spacious room.  I have asked for tables for our latest publications, leaflets and information to display.  If you’d like to bring material, please arrive by 9.30am (& let me know in advance if possible).


The meeting will end with a buffet lunch at 12.30pm, a treat from London’s Faith to Engage team, to which everyone is warmly invited!

Next meeting

We hope to meet on Thursday 13th June in the late afternoon/early evening in Waterloo, SE1 – possibly outside if the weather has turned summery.  Please save the date and let me know asap if it is unsuitable for you.

Many apologies to those who are attending the Inter Faith Network for the UK consultation in Reading next Thursday or at the Christian Muslim Forum in Hackney to discuss community-building.  I’m afraid I didn’t know about these when making our arrangements.  There’s a lot happening in this part of the country!

1 thought on “Faith to Engage | Thursday 9th May

  1. Dear Catriona

    I really am very sorry that I will not be able to attend the meeting on 9 May since its topic is one very close to my heart. My wife and I will be in Scotland for a somewhat belated post-Easter break. I am also interested to read the LbFN will be meeting with Faith to Engage, the London Churches Group for Social Action, Faithworks and Faiths Forum for London. I had not appreciated there are so many faith-based social action organisations in London! I have however put the June 13 date in my diary in the hope that I shall be able to attend.


    John B.

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