
I’m sure we are all very concerned about the terrible attack in Woolwich today.

Muslim, multifaith and other groups across London have been speaking out, issuing statements of solidarity against such acts and offering condolences to the family of the young man who has lost his life.

Through our network, we know that there are very good relations and long standing friendships between people of different religious traditions in Greenwich.  The Greenwich Faith Community Leaders will be meeting with the Council tomorrow and I know we will keep them in our thoughts and prayers, along with all those who live and work in Woolwich, as they cope with the aftermath.

Statements issued include those by the Muslim Council of Britain, the National Association of Muslim Police and the Faiths Forum for London.

Here is the Faiths Forum for London’s statement (full list of signatories on FFL’s website):

“We, as representatives of many of London’s faith communities, deplore the terrible attack that has taken place today in Woolwich.

All of our religions exalt the sanctity of human life and no grievance could justify such a barbaric assault that has cost a young man his life. Terrorism has no place on our streets.

We pray for the victim of this attack and his family, and call for Londoners to stand together at this time. We will redouble our efforts to work for peace, love, understanding and hope.”

LBFN is ready to offer practical support to any of our local members who face difficulties as a result of today’s events.  Please contact LBFN’s Convener.

Update on Thursday 23rd May.  Further statements have been released by

Christian Muslim Forum

Inter Faith Network of the UK

Al-Khoei Foundation

Islamic Forum of Europe

Islamic Society of Britain

HOPE not hate

Update on Friday 24th May.  Statement from Lambeth Council, Borough Commander and Faiths Together in Lambeth.

Leader of Lambeth council, Cllr Lib Peck said, “The whole community in Lambeth will have been shocked by the horrific murder of a soldier in Woolwich yesterday afternoon. Our thoughts are with the victim’s family.

We all have a role in protecting the borough and keeping the community safe and we are sure that people in Lambeth will stand together against those who seek to divide us or exploit this incident for their own ends. The council and police are supporting these efforts to ensure that we can go about our lives in safety. We ask everyone to continue to remain calm and vigilant.”

Matt Bell, Lambeth Police Borough Commander said, “Lambeth Police recognise that many communities are feeling anxious and concerned followed the unique events of yesterday however Lambeth borough’s diversity is one of its strengths and I have today assured faith and other community leaders that we will protect and serve this community and they have in turn reiterated their condemnation of the criminal acts perpetrated yesterday and their support for the service and to work with us.”

Revd Alan Gadd, Chair of Faiths Together in Lambeth said, “There are many diverse faith communities in the borough of Lambeth and all will be shocked and saddened by the murder in Woolwich yesterday. At a time like this, many people of faith will recall the multi-faith activity of recent years that has built good relationships, and once again will draw upon those relationships to offer reassurance and show solidarity.”

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