Open University research – three places left

ou logoThere are three places available on Thursday 20th June for a structured look back over the last few years in London.

LBFN celebrates its 10th anniversary this year.  We are working with Dr Haider Ali at the Open University to tell the story of local multifaith activities across the capital.  What were the significant events and relationships, how did our ideas develop, how did we respond to changing contexts?  What made an impact and what was valuable?  Where are we now and what does the future hold?

After some preparatory reflection, we’ll be meeting at the OU’s building in Camden.  The day will be intense, but productive and stimulating.  It will result in a research paper and a short report which is likely to be of interest to policy makers and practitioners alike.

Those who expressed an interest earlier this year have been invited first, but please let LBFN know asap if you have been involved in local multifaith work and would like to take up one of the remaining places.  Download the full details and programme here.  The first deadline for a preliminary piece of work is Saturday 15th June and Dr Ali’s receipt of this will confirm your place on 20th June.

There has been considerable interest, not least because it will include a look at the future and an opportunity for some strategic thinking.

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