Peace weekend | 20th, 21st, 22nd September

The London Peace Network (which LBFN brought together last year for the Olympic Truce) is up & running again.  The salaam / shalom / peace bird is on the wing.  Find all the latest information on – link, like, share!

This is an initiative which offers a simple and effective way to build and strengthen relationships between people from different religious and cultural traditions at local level – at the same time as many people all around the world are engaged in peace-building activities.

peace_leaflet_church_webThe UN International Day of Peace falls each year on 21st September.  Last year, hundreds of Islamic centres led their local communities in marking the day by inviting in visitors to exchange messages of peace.

This year Islamic centres will be inviting in visitors on Friday 20th September, synagogues on Saturday 21st September and (to warm up for next year when the Day will fall on a Sunday) churches on 22nd September.

What you can do:

  1. Decide when you would like your visitors to arrive.
  2. Contact your local faith forum to find people from different religious traditions.
  3. Invite them to your Islamic centre, synagogue or church, along with any information they may find useful for their visit.
  4. When they arrive, exchange the messages of peace on the back of the flyer – or your own messages of peace.
  5. You may offer a cup of tea or some simple hospitality – it is up to you.
  6. If you would like to stay in touch, exchange contact details before your guests leave.

Churches Together in England, amongst many others, is supporting this initiative.  The flyer for churches can be downloaded here.  The flyers for synagogues and Islamic centres will be available soon and the Christian Muslim Forum is helping local religious communities get in touch with each other.  Messages of peace from nine traditions are printed on the back of each leaflet.

Please circulate the flyers as they become available and assist your local faith forum or network to participate through issuing and accepting invitations during the peace weekend.

If you would like any further information or details, just contact LBFN’s convener.

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