Practical inter faith work – course

london interfaith centre logoA new course on practical inter faith work is being run by Rev Maggie Hindley at the London Inter Faith Centre at 125 Salusbury Road, NW6 6LP.

It’s running for one Tuesday each month (the October session has already taken place) and is helping Christian lay people and clergy with inter faith engagement in their own contexts.

The purpose of the course is

To introduce participants to a range of examples of good practice in Inter Faith work

To enable participants to develop a piece of Inter Faith work in their own locality

To offer participants some tools for reflection on their Inter Faith engagement

To consolidate an Inter Faith network within and around London

Participants will visit a different location each week.  The dates/times are Tuesdays at 10am – 4pm: (8th Oct), 5th Nov, 10th Dec, 14th Jan, 11th Feb, 11th March, 8th April, 6th May, 10th June & 7th July.

Contact Maggie if you’re interested in joining.  The cost is £300 (bursaries available), which includes travel, a hot lunch and course materials.

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