Mental Health & Poverty | 26 March | Islington Faiths Forum

IFF best practiceIslington Faiths Forum is holding a best practice conference on Wednesday 26 March 9.30am – 3.30pm at Islington Town Hall. The topic is one which affects many in our communities: mental health and poverty.  The day will be practical, informative and inspiring.  If you are interested in developing and supporting work in your own borough on poverty and mental health, IFF would be happy to hear from you.

IFF’s events always bring a wide range of people together from local religious communities, from public agencies and from academic and research bodies. Participation is free and lunch is included.

Download the programme and flyer to pass on to your networks and apply to Roz Miller if you would like to attend.  Roz will also be saying a few words at our next LBFN meeting on 11 March.

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