London – the TB capital of Europe | 24 March 11am

The NHS and public health agencies are struggling with tuberculosis.

London is now the TB capital of Europe, with hotspots in Brent, Newham, Hounslow and several other boroughs.  There is a lack of understanding of how communities work, how the disease is transmitted, the early symptoms and how treatment can be most effective.

Some communities are particularly affected and Islamic centres with members from a broad range of backgrounds are in a good position to take the lead on raising awareness.

TB map 2009

TB rates per 100,000 population in London boroughs, 2009. (Source: HPA)

At an event on Monday 24 March at 11am* (World TB Day) at Regent Hall, 275 Oxford Street, W1C 2DJ, Dr Shuja Shafi of the Muslim Council of Britain (who is a medical doctor), Islamic centres in London and NHS clinicians will explore how local religious communities could take a lead.  They will be able to pilot new ways of working with health professionals in preventing the rise of TB and of ensuring early detection and successful treatment.

If you are from one of the “red” boroughs on the map above, or from a pocket elsewhere which is affected by high TB rates, or have an interest in preventing illness or in hospital chaplaincy, please join us for this exploratory discussion.  Register here to book your place, which is free of charge.  No previous knowledge of TB is necessary. Contact LBFN for further information.

* Update – this event is postponed and now likely to take place in May.

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