Busy weekend in London 18-21 September

Save these dates in September and start making plans . . . a fantastic weekend for Londoners – curiosity, peace-building, hospitality & celebration!


21 September – join millions across the globe in marking Peace Day. The theme this year is the “right of peoples to peace“.

Thursday 18 September  Come to the London Peace Network’s lively peace conference at St Ethelburga’s Centre, EC2.

Friday 19 September  Invite visitors to your Islamic centre and exchange messages of peace with them.

Saturday 20 September  Invite visitors to your synagogue and exchange messages of peace with them.

Sunday 21 September  Invite visitors to your church or Meeting House and exchange messages of peace with them.  Temples and gurdwaras will also be issuing invitations.

Sunday 21 September  Flights for Peace – fly across the Thames from the Greenwich Peninsula, meeting new people from across London.

Flyers will be available soon.  Contact LBFN for details.

Photo: Grant Smith for Open House

Open House photo: Grant Smith


The capital’s largest annual festival of architecture and design.  People will be visiting buildings of interest on Saturday 20 & Sunday 21 September, so why not invite them to your own religious community, show them around and exchange messages of peace?


Londoners will be raising funds for Heritage of London Trust by walking & cycling around churches and places of worship on Saturday 20 September.  Invite them in to yours and celebrate the UN International Day of Peace, too!

If you are looking for ways to meet your neighbours or open up your place of worship to the wider community, the weekend of 18 – 21 September is the one for you!

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