New Scotland Yard | Monday 7 July 3pm

New_Scotland_YardCommander Mak Chishty has invited LBFN to New Scotland Yard, 8-10 Broadway, London SW1H 0BG, on Monday 7 July 3-5pm (St James’s Park tube).

We’ll be sharing our experience and expertise in engaging with the Metropolitan Police and we have an excellent line-up of contributors from across the boroughs.  Let me know in advance if you would like us to address a particular aspect.

If you have not already done so, please let LBFN know if you plan to attend so that your name can be added to the guest list for admittance.  Allow extra time to clear security and bring photo ID with you.

There will also be a briefing on our plans to mark the UN International Day of Peace in our boroughs on the weekend of 18-21 September.  Flyers will be available soon.  Please consult your faith forum or local network – if any of the Islamic centres, synagogues, churches or places of worship in your borough would like to invite neighbouring communities to visit that weekend, please contact LBFN for further information.

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