Faith and Sexual Health

LBFN just received this invitation from Vernal Scott to a lunch meeting on Black and Ethnic Communities of Faith: Barriers to Our Sexual Health.

SAFER FORUM EVENT3The lunch and discussion takes place today, 6 November, at noon at St Peter’s Church, Walworth Road, SE17, and it’s unlikely any/many of us will be able to attend, but he is keen to keep in touch and to invite us to the next event.  Vernal writes,

“I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and all in the London Boroughs Faiths Network who is able to attend this important event about improving our sexual health and the related role of faith leaders.

A free lunch is included at noon.  All are welcome. 

May I take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt apologies for the short notice.”

Contact Vernal on 8741 1879 if you hope to attend and let me know if you would like to hear more about the work of the NAZ project.

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