Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris

Trafalgar Square last night.  Photo @LPJLondres

Trafalgar Square last night. Photo @LPJLondres

Several people have been in touch after yesterday’s shocking attack on journalists and police in Paris.

For safety advice, please see Staying safe in troubled times.

Statements of condemnation include those by the European Council of Religious Leaders, the Muslim Council of Britain, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Board of Deputies of British Jews.  The Houses of Parliament and the Metropolitan Police both held a minute’s silence this morning.

There were many vigils last night, including a large gathering in Trafalgar Square and the placing of flowers and condolences at the French Embassy by a group of young Muslims.

LBFN supports the excellent local relationships which exist between Londoners from different religious and philosophical traditions.  The Peace Café meets on Monday 12 January, with opportunities for concerns for all our communities to be shared.

Responses from local groups are very welcome.

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