Climate Change supper – Sunday 1 March 7pm

header-cop21COP21, the climate change summit, takes place in Paris in December.

Leading up to this, people from different religious traditions & organisations are gathering in London on the first of each month.

LBFN is hosting the March 1st gathering at 7-9pm at Collaboration House, 77 Charlotte Street, W1T 4PWDownload the flyer.

Some people will be breaking their 24 hour fast, some won’t be fasting but will join us anyway.  There will be reflections from different traditions and a chance to catch up with news.  No previous knowledge is necessary – the evening is for everyone.

Bring some veggie food to share if you can.

There is also a two-part London to Paris cycle ride (Augustlogo and December) to coincide with the summit, joining up with cyclists from across Europe, so now is the time to get in training!  Download the flyer.

Let LBFN know if you plan to join us next Sunday evening for a convivial and informative evening and pass the invitation on to those who may be interested.

2 thoughts on “Climate Change supper – Sunday 1 March 7pm

  1. Dear Catriona,

    I have been prevaricating about joining you on Sunday for the Climate Change supper. I do happen to be in town anyway tomorrow afternoon, but though aware and doing my bit I hope to reduce climate change, it’s not a campaign I’m active in myself. One can’t do everything at the same pitch.

    So unless you actually need people to make a good showing, I won’t come this time.

    Ring me if you need me 07812 833635. I’m in town from 2 – 4 at the Portrait Gallery and will then go home.

    Yours etc



    Hounslow Friends of Faith

    020 8560 5887

    • Thanks Bessie – it would be great to see you, but 7pm is a bit of a gap from 4pm and you’ll probably head home. I’ll be cooking some rice & dal from around 6pm, so if you’re still in London, the door’s open from then. Look forward to catching up before long – Catriona

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