Frontline films

Frontline Film ClubA few young-ish people (18-30) are meeting on Wednesday 15 April 6-7.30pm at Collaboration House, 77 Charlotte Street, W1T 4PW.  They’re interested in screening film shorts or documentaries, picking up on themes that resonate.

– screenings of short documentaries or films

– discussion around themes, ideas for collaborative action

– for people working/interested in civil society, religious, human rights, intercultural groups

– intentionally a mixed group; the diversity brings a wide range of experience & knowledge

– if it brings value & depth, we’ll take it forward

– initial meeting to discuss how this could happen

– Collaboration House is a temporary, experimental space for intercultural groups to work together for a better world

If you’re interested, or know someone who might be, please come along &/or let LBFN know if you’d like to come to the next event.  Thanks to Tara for the great image & for putting it up on Facebook!

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