Belief and Beyond Belief Festival

hero1600x630-597fe3dd-f941-4d09-b2af-5bb128007b38 A year long festival at the Southbank Centre, Belief and Beyond Belief, opens this weekend with performances, talks, music, debates and a wide range of speakers.

This weekend’s theme is The Search for the Meaning of Life and includes Prof Mona Siddiqui, the Bishop of Leeds, Abdul Rehman Malik, Remona Aly and Bishop Richard Holloway for a weekend of talks, debates and discussions.  Events include Loving Your Neighbour and Does Struggle Give Life Meaning?.

“What place do religion, spirituality and belief hold for humans in 2017? Join the first part of our year-long festival, Belief and Beyond Belief, as we start our exploration of what it means to be human in the 21st century.
festivallogo142x142-babbThe London Philharmonic Orchestra begin the festival with concerts featuring music composed in the darkest times of humanity – World War 2 – by Martinů. Their Principal Conductor and Artistic Advisor Vladimir Jurowski also conducts music from Vaughan Williams written at the end of his life, full of breathtaking ambition and light.”

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