Hounslow Friends of Faith

Hounslow Friends of Faith‘s annual Inter Faith Walk will take place this year in Feltham.

“We have chosen this weekend as there will be many other Walks taking place in other boroughs of London, thus demonstrating, if that were needed, that London is very much a multi-faith city.”

The Walk of Peace and Friendship will start at St Lawrence’s Catholic Church, The Green, High Street, Feltham TW13 4AF at 10am on Saturday 14th July.

Inter Faith Walks 2012: City Hall meeting + £100

Here is an invitation to City Hall on Tuesday 15th May at 6.30pm from South London Inter Faith Group.SLIFG has helped local groups organise inter faith walks for many years.  They’re a great way for local people from different religious and other traditions to meet each other, visit local communities and learn from our neighbours.

This Olympic year (and the walks will be part of the Olympic Truce) they are inviting all the London boroughs to walk on the same weekend – 14th or 15th July.  What’s more, they are offering £100 to each participating borough** Ooops, in fact £100 only available for South London boroughs – thank you Sarah for correcting me.

Organising walks means working in partnership with the local police; your local borough commander may like to match SLIFG’s donation.

Come along to find out more, receive your cheque and meet everyone else.  To register, email SLIFG.

What’s On

There’s plenty on in London over the next few weeks for LBFN folk – please use the comment box to add your own suggestions.

Image: Hajj certificate (detail). 17th–18th century AD. Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art (Khalili Family Trust).

Hajj – journey to the heart of Islam opens at the British Museum, WC1, today (until 15th April) to favourable reviews and previews.  £12 (free to members).

There’s an invitation for pilgrims to add their most vivid memory of Hajj on the British Museum website – some Londoners have already contributed.

The synagogues of Britain: an architectural and social heritage.  Talk by Sharman Kadish at Chadwick Lecture Theatre, UCL, Gower Street, WC1.  Monday 27th February, 6.15pm.  Free.

Faith Debates from the Religion and Society Research Programme at RUSI, 61 Whitehall, SW1A 2ET at 5.30 – 7pm.  Free: register with p.ainsworth@lancaster.ac.uk.

After the Riots – from blame to positive action, a one-day forum to understand different perspectives on the underlying civic, moral, political and social perspectives, organised by Initiatives of Change, The Cordoba Foundation and Civil Society Forum on Wednesday, 1st February 10am – 5pm at Initiatives of Change Centre, 24 Greencoat Place, London SW1P 1RD.  Speakers include Dr Peter Selby. Free: download a registration form here and send to esther.ridsdale@tocollaborate.org or dondes@uk.iofc.org.

Roots and Rise of Islamophobia in Europe  Saturday 4th February 1.15pm, Finsbury Park Mosque, 7–11 St Thomas’s Rd, N4 2QH.  Free: register with info@enoughcoalition.org.uk.

Together Thursday 2nd February at 6pm – talk by Richard Sennett at RSA, 8 John Adam Street, London WC2N 6EZ.  Living with people who differ – racially, ethnically, religiously, or economically – is one of the most difficult challenges facing us today.  It requires more than goodwill: it requires skill. Free: register here.

2012 Inter Faith Walks – a special meeting with South London Inter Faith Group on Thursday 8th February 6.30-8pm (including hot vegetarian meal) at Southwark Cathedral, London Bridge, SE1.  Get tips on organising a walk in your own borough during the weekend of 14th – 15th July, bringing together people from many different religious traditions.  Upload your invitation here.

Reclaiming London Together – a meeting to promote collaboration for London’s young people after the 2011 disturbances, organised by Faiths Forum for London with the Fayre Share Foundation on Monday 5th March.  £15 each (under 24s free), with Boris Johnson, Camila Batmanghelidjh and Rt Revd Christopher Chessun.

Religion, Civil Religion and the Common Good  Conference at London Metropolitan University, 20th-21st June.  £60 (£35 for one day).  Papers invited.  Contributors include Dr Patrick Riordan, S.J., Heythrop College, University of London.

Inter Faith Network for the UK – the latest newsletter is packed with information.

Holocaust Memorial Day is being marked across London this week and over the weekend – see the list of borough events.

Every borough in London – 2012 Inter Faith Walks

Poster for South London Inter Faith Group's 2011 Walk

A special invitation has been received by LBFN to join South London Inter Faith Group on Wednesday 8th February 6.30-8pm (includes a hot vegetarian meal) at Southwark Cathedral Education Centre, London Bridge, SE1 to find out about this year’s Inter Faith Walks.

Sarah Thorley and Rashid Laher will be there to share tips and know-how from past walks (see left).

Is there a walk planned for your own borough during the weekend of 14th – 15th July?  If not, why not organise one?

It’s a great way of bringing together people from many different religious & belief traditions.  They might not have had the chance to meet or to visit their local places of worship and practice.  The hospitality given and received on these occasions is seldom forgotten.

LBFN is supporting SLIFG in encouraging every borough in London to take part on the same weekend of this special Olympic and Paralympic year.  Lots of help is at hand – come along and find out more.

Upload your invitation here and read Sarah’s second letter to us all here.

Let LBFN &/or Sarah know if you plan to be there or would like some more information.

Inter-Faith pilgrimage in Waltham Forest

LBFN’s first convener, Steven Saxby, writes

Dear all

The photo-film of our recent Inter-Faith Pilgrimage in Waltham Forest is simply beautiful!  Enjoy.

Peace, Steven.

And it is!

Click here (or on the picture) and you’ll be taken to the photofilm.

Sign up for 2012 . . . by October 27th

Gamesmakers – the people who will make the Games happen.  A lot of them are bound to be Londoners and now is the time to put your name forward.

Get the word out to anyone who’d like to participate in the Olympics and Paralympics by being a volunteer – you need to sign up by 27th October to be considered.  Thousands have applied already!

LOCOG is keen to welcome volunteers from all communities in London, including religious ones.  The code to use on the online form, if you belong to a religious group, is ABC.  Easy to remember.

Duncan Green of LOCOG’s Community Outreach Group (Faith) is hoping to join us for an update before the end of this year.  After a slow start, things are certainly beginning to move – now is the time to get involved.

South London Inter Faith Group has suggested Inter Faith Walks in each borough in July 2012 – something we’ve talked about at LBFN and support.

A few London projects have already won the Inspire mark.  Check the list – your community might be *inspired* to do something, too.  It’s an ideal opportunity for faith and multi-faith groups to do something in partnership with their local borough council, NHS trust or police service.