Your local faith forum

Map of London Boroughs from South London Inter Faith Group

How are things going with your local faith forum?

  • Are local councils (& police, NHS) able to reach their local faith communities to discuss priority issues?
  • Do religious groups contribute to policy and decision-making?
  • Education ♦ hate crime ♦ cohesion ♦ Prevent strategy ♦ equalities/discrimination ♦ stop & search ♦ planning ♦ neighbourhood policing ♦ health care ♦ employment ♦ emergencies ♦ end of life care – what are the issues that deserve attention?
  • Who sets the agenda?  Who is involved?  Who pays?  How does it work?
  • How do SACRE and Borough Deans fit in?  Is inter faith dialogue one of the activities?
  • What happens when key people leave?  Is limited time used well?
  • Twitter, texts, meetings, websites, blogs – what works best?
  • Is the future bright & rosy?  Or not?

LBFN’s next meeting is in King’s Cross, Camden next week.  Come and hear what’s going on across London.  Contribute your own experiences and ideas.

LOCOG‘s Duncan Green will also be with us with an update on Games 2012.

Tuesday 7th December

Coffee & arrivals 9.45am, meeting 10am-12.30pm.

Contact the convener asap or leave a comment here if you are planning to come – look forward to seeing you there.