Brent, Croydon and Hertfordshire events

Three more invitations and news from Streatham.  Please contact the organisers if you would like to take part in any of the events.

brentBrent Council and the Al Khoei Foundation are organising a One Brent event on Friday, 31st May at 6pm8pm at Brent Town Hall, HA9 9HD.  Further details and registration here.

westminster interfaith logoWestminster Interfaith’s 28th Annual Multi-Faith Pilgrimage for Peace is on Saturday, 8th June in Hertfordshire, starting at Watford High Street Station at 9.15am.  Download the flyer here..

FTinCroydon logoFaiths Together in Croydon is holding a Big Lunch Picnic in Parkhill Park by the tennis courts on June 9th at 1.30-3.30pm.  Look for the FTiC sign.  Entrances in Stanhope Road and Barclay Road.  Download the flyer here.

A successful programme at the Hyderi Centre in Lambeth last Thursday, with local council and Safer Neighbourhood representation, is reported here.