Samovar, mint tea or chai? Inter Faith Week | 26 November 3-5pm

After Breakfast (2010) and then Lunch (2011) in Multifaith Europe during Inter Faith Week, LBFN welcomes you to afternoon tea with a difference!

Download the flyer here and distribute to your networks.

Come to the Boardroom, 1st Floor, Voluntary Sector Centres, The Merchant Centre, 1 New Street Square, London EC4A 3BF on 26th November 3-5pm.

There will be updates from the European Network on Religion and Belief (launched this year) and discussion on how local religious, multifaith and interconvictional groups across Europe can work together for the common good.  Local communities in Europe face a number of challenges.  What are the issues?  How do we tackle them together?

Bring tea leaves (or bags) of your choice, and any additional ingredients, and we will enjoy a wide range of tea which is currently drunk in very different ways across the continent.

We are delighted that the Faith-based Regeneration Network is hosting this special occasion – thank you!

Book now to reserve your place: there are limited seats around the boardroom table.