Guest post: How much change can you get from £1?

A warm welcome to Charlotte Dando, who’s been working with local religious leaders in London – see if you recognise any faces in the film!  Over to Charlotte ..

How much change can you get from £1?

That’s the question we’ve been asking faith communities throughout London. Congregations, interfaith groups and individuals of faith are being challenged to sign-up for the Live Below the Line campaign and manage on just £1 of food and drink per day for 5 days to raise funds and awareness of the 1.4 billion people around the world who live below the poverty line every day.

As a Faiths Act Fellow on a yearlong multifaith social action programme at the Battersea based charity Malaria No More UK, together with my partner Fellow Usman Nawaz, we recently cooked up a low budget lunch and served it to guests from seven different faith traditions.

The lunch was held at the National Bahá’í Centre in Knightsbridge and guests included Rev. Rosemarie Mallett of St. John’s Angell Town in Brixton, Chazzan Jermey Burko from New North London Synagogue and Sheena Napier, of the London Buddhist Vihara.

Watch the interfaith discussion on faith, food, poverty and malaria and learn more about this multifaith campaign.

Contact for more information.