Statements on London Bridge attack and vigil at Guildhall Monday 11am

The London Bridge attack has left two dead and three injured.

The Inter Faith Network for the UK has issued a statement on the London Bridge attack – read it here.

Islington Faiths Forum‘s statement is below, a joint response by IFF with the Council, Safer Neighbourhood Board, Hate Crime Forum and Central North Police.

Faiths Together in Lambeth has circulated a message from Central South Police saying that they will be making reassurance visits to places of worship in Lambeth.

There is also a risk of a spike in hate crime & we are all asked to make sure any incidents are reported to the police.

Transport hubs, iconic sites, faith premises, shopping areas & high footfall areas across London will be patrolled by police officers (armed & unarmed) over the next few days to provide reassurance.

There will be a vigil in Guildhall Yard, Basinghall St, London EC2V 7HH in the City of London at 11am tomorrow (Monday).

This is likely to be the only major act of remembrance. It will be led by the chaplain to the Corporation of London.  Faith Representatives are welcome to attend: please arrive 10 minutes ahead of 11am and introduce yourself to the chaplain.

Across our network, people have been shocked to see another attack resulting in the loss of two young lives. We offer our condolences to their families and friends. Bankside residents are finding it particularly tough, reawakening memories of the 2017 London Bridge attack.  We are thinking particularly of our friends at Harper Road Mosque, Southwark Cathedral and Borough Market.