22 January Together in Service funding briefing

togetherinservicelogoUpdate on the new DCLG Together in Service funding, which looks promising for LBFN members:

There’s a briefing for Londoners on Wednesday 22 January 10am-12pm at Bethnal Green Mission Church, 305 Cambridge Heath Road, E2 9LH.  There’s also a chance to talk to the TiS team individually about potential projects.

The next application deadline is 5pm on 6 February.  More information from the TiS website.

The grants (£2,000 – £5,000) are supporting new initiatives from faith-based groups, working with other faith groups, open to the whole community, encouraging volunteering and enhancing community life.  Each group (which must be registered as a charity) will also be expected to match the TiS funding in kind or cash.

Ring 0845 094 6350 or e-mail felicity.smith@faithaction.net to book a place or to find out more.