Building on History: Religion in London

This looks worthwhile – looking at (or negotiating, maybe) our histories and heritages in London.   At the moment the project involves churches, mosques and synagogues in London, but it probably has the potential to include other religious and humanistic traditions.  This is what the website says:

Building on History: Religion in London is an innovative project which aims to work alongside London’s communities and faith groups to assist them in exploring and understanding their religious histories and heritages.

The Open University and Royal Holloway are working together and inviting those with an interest to public events.  Visit their blog, which has details.  The next two events are:

Engaging with the past to inform the present: The Roman Catholic Church in London
The Hinsley Room, Westminster Cathedral, Clergy House, 42 Francis Street, London, SW1P 1QW.
1 – 4pm on Wednesday 28th November 2012
Details: Roman Catholic public seminar – 28th November 2012 

Engaging with the past to inform the present: the Muslim community of London
Croydon Mosque and Islamic Centre, 525 London Road, Thornton Heath, CR7 6AR
12.30 – 5.00pm on Saturday 1st December 2012
Details: Muslim public seminar – 1st December 2012

There is also a workshop planned for the afternoon of 10th January.

LBFN met at the Open University in Camden when Dr Haider Ali was researching how religious communities work with the NHS to co-design health services.

The story of how local religious and multifaith groups have (and haven’t) interacted with government and public sector bodies for the benefit of the wider community is something we will be exploring during our tenth anniversary year, 2013.