Pakistan Calling

vimeoEnjoy watching the short film we made in Pakistan – the last of our Olympic Truce projects funded by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office.

We’re delighted it’s been included in the Royal Society of Arts Pakistan Calling programme.

Pakistan Calling is a platform for films showing links between civil and cultural organisations and communities in Pakistan and the UK.  Pakistan Calling aims to build community trust in the UK, and to support the creativity and energy of the British Pakistani diaspora and others working between Britain and Pakistan.

pkcalling_flagsThe film is on LBFN’s vimeo site as well.  You’re welcome to download it to use as a discussion starter or just to show local communities and religious leaders in Pakistan in ways not often portrayed in the popular media.

We’ll be following up our 2012 work with the FCO and with the Department for International Development, linking local religious and community organisations with the public sector in smart and strategic ways.  The London event was inspiring and threw up a number of possibilities which could include diaspora links with several other countries – let LBFN know if you have ideas to contribute on this.


Rt Hon Justine Greening MP (centre) being presented with a World Peace Tartan scarf at the London event of LBFN’s Minority-Majority UK-Pakistan project last month, hosted by the Wandsworth Community Empowerment Network. The Bishop of Lahore is on the right of the picture.  Sadiq Khan MP also spoke at the event.

What’s On

There’s plenty on in London over the next few weeks for LBFN folk – please use the comment box to add your own suggestions.

Image: Hajj certificate (detail). 17th–18th century AD. Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art (Khalili Family Trust).

Hajj – journey to the heart of Islam opens at the British Museum, WC1, today (until 15th April) to favourable reviews and previews.  £12 (free to members).

There’s an invitation for pilgrims to add their most vivid memory of Hajj on the British Museum website – some Londoners have already contributed.

The synagogues of Britain: an architectural and social heritage.  Talk by Sharman Kadish at Chadwick Lecture Theatre, UCL, Gower Street, WC1.  Monday 27th February, 6.15pm.  Free.

Faith Debates from the Religion and Society Research Programme at RUSI, 61 Whitehall, SW1A 2ET at 5.30 – 7pm.  Free: register with

After the Riots – from blame to positive action, a one-day forum to understand different perspectives on the underlying civic, moral, political and social perspectives, organised by Initiatives of Change, The Cordoba Foundation and Civil Society Forum on Wednesday, 1st February 10am – 5pm at Initiatives of Change Centre, 24 Greencoat Place, London SW1P 1RD.  Speakers include Dr Peter Selby. Free: download a registration form here and send to or

Roots and Rise of Islamophobia in Europe  Saturday 4th February 1.15pm, Finsbury Park Mosque, 7–11 St Thomas’s Rd, N4 2QH.  Free: register with

Together Thursday 2nd February at 6pm – talk by Richard Sennett at RSA, 8 John Adam Street, London WC2N 6EZ.  Living with people who differ – racially, ethnically, religiously, or economically – is one of the most difficult challenges facing us today.  It requires more than goodwill: it requires skill. Free: register here.

2012 Inter Faith Walks – a special meeting with South London Inter Faith Group on Thursday 8th February 6.30-8pm (including hot vegetarian meal) at Southwark Cathedral, London Bridge, SE1.  Get tips on organising a walk in your own borough during the weekend of 14th – 15th July, bringing together people from many different religious traditions.  Upload your invitation here.

Reclaiming London Together – a meeting to promote collaboration for London’s young people after the 2011 disturbances, organised by Faiths Forum for London with the Fayre Share Foundation on Monday 5th March.  £15 each (under 24s free), with Boris Johnson, Camila Batmanghelidjh and Rt Revd Christopher Chessun.

Religion, Civil Religion and the Common Good  Conference at London Metropolitan University, 20th-21st June.  £60 (£35 for one day).  Papers invited.  Contributors include Dr Patrick Riordan, S.J., Heythrop College, University of London.

Inter Faith Network for the UK – the latest newsletter is packed with information.

Holocaust Memorial Day is being marked across London this week and over the weekend – see the list of borough events.