Sadaqa Day 22 March

sadaqadaySadaqa Day (a new national day of multifaith social action) was launched this evening and will take place this year on Sunday 22 March.

Groups of Muslims across the country will lead Sadaqa Day projects to benefit their local communities. Projects such as improving community space, planting flowers or trees, or arranging to visit people who are elderly, will be taking place.

“Sadaqa Day is a day of social action. A date in the calendar when individuals, mosques and other places of worship, schools, women’s and community groups, scouts and guides groups – everyone – can get involved.

The word Sadaqa is often spoken about as the charitable giving of money, but Sadaqa is so much more. It is every deed, every act of giving, it is each movement in our service to others. This is what the Prophet Muhammad؃ meant when he taught, “Even a smile is charity”.

Across many faiths, in every school, and in all good homes, we are taught about doing our bit, making our own contribution, playing our part in giving to others and in making the world a slightly better place. Acting in genuine service for others. And that is what Sadaqa Day is all about.”

In Camden, volunteers from Hampstead Synagogue, Regent’s Park Mosque and the Royal Free Hospital are collecting food together from two local supermarkets to donate to the local foodbank.  Find more examples on Sadaqa Day’s Facebook page.

If you’d like to take part in Sadaqa Day or help organise a project in your borough, find further information here or contact founder Julie Siddiqi, who was with us at our last LBFN meeting.

A Year of Service

The Jewish community gets together on social action projects on Mitzvah Day in November each year. During A Year of Service, with the support of the Department of Communities and Local Government, nine faith communities will be inviting people of different religious and philosophical traditions to join them on social action projects.


More dates for your 2012 diaries :)

A Year of Service is one way of celebrating the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and could easily add an extra dimension to the wide range of community activities which religious and multifaith groups are engaged in, year in, year out.

The Year will be led by nine faith communities in the UK, each inviting others to join them (on specific dates) in social action projects to improve their local neighbourhoods.

Here is the list:

28 February                Bahá’í              Launch in Hyde Park
21 March                      Zoroastrian    No Ruz, visiting the elderly
22 Feb to 7 April         Christian         Lent, cleaning and restoring
16 April                        Jain                  Mahavia Jayanti, visiting the sick
27 May                         Christian         Pentecost, meeting the stranger
16 June                         Sikh                 Martyrdom of Guru Arjan, bringing sweetness
3 July                            Buddhist         Asala Dharma, caring for the environment
4/5 August                   Muslim           Ramadan, meeting new neighbours
5 October                     Christian         Harvest Festival, feeding the hungry
7 October                     Hindu               Sewa day, helping the homeless
18 November              Jewish              Mitzvah Day, growing things
2-24 December          Christian          Advent, fighting poverty

Thanks to everyone who has let me know about this initiative – Duncan, Rashid, Alan, Justine, Susanne, Siriol and others.  Shall we invite someone from A Year of Service to one of our meetings?

More information is available from the faith contacts and there is a flyer especially for south Londoners here.

The Department of Communities and Local Government will be supporting the Year through the website.  The Coexist Foundation will be leading a national celebration to coincide with Inter Faith Week in November – there is a picture of fireworks, so I am hopeful.