Promoting social inclusion

faithsforum_logoAn Inter Faith Week invitation from Mustafa Field, Director of the Faiths Forum for London.

“The Faiths Forum for London has organised an interesting workshop to promote inclusion and highlight how social exclusion among children and youth is often not premeditated. The workshop aims to raise awareness and consciousness among practitioners and leaders children and young people can help to make groups more inclusive.

The workshop and discussion will explore the causes of exclusion and inadvertent social exclusion:

  • Why does it often go unnoticed?

  • In what settings does social exclusion most happen?

  • How can we spot the presence of social exclusion?

  • What effect does this kind of exclusion have on the young person and on the community?

It will also explore approaches to promoting inclusion:

  • What methods would be effective in raising greater awareness about the importance of inclusion work?

  • How can we promote inclusion in our youth, education or communal work?

  • How can faith provide the impetus for an inclusion agenda?

The event will take place on Wednesday 20th November at 5.00pm-7.15pm at the Chapel, Westminster Central Hall, Storey’s Gate, London SW1H 9NH.”

If you would like to take part in the discussion, please contact Mustafa on or 020 7569 9098.