Frontline films

Frontline Film ClubA few young-ish people (18-30) are meeting on Wednesday 15 April 6-7.30pm at Collaboration House, 77 Charlotte Street, W1T 4PW.  They’re interested in screening film shorts or documentaries, picking up on themes that resonate.

– screenings of short documentaries or films

– discussion around themes, ideas for collaborative action

– for people working/interested in civil society, religious, human rights, intercultural groups

– intentionally a mixed group; the diversity brings a wide range of experience & knowledge

– if it brings value & depth, we’ll take it forward

– initial meeting to discuss how this could happen

– Collaboration House is a temporary, experimental space for intercultural groups to work together for a better world

If you’re interested, or know someone who might be, please come along &/or let LBFN know if you’d like to come to the next event.  Thanks to Tara for the great image & for putting it up on Facebook!

Promoting social inclusion

faithsforum_logoAn Inter Faith Week invitation from Mustafa Field, Director of the Faiths Forum for London.

“The Faiths Forum for London has organised an interesting workshop to promote inclusion and highlight how social exclusion among children and youth is often not premeditated. The workshop aims to raise awareness and consciousness among practitioners and leaders children and young people can help to make groups more inclusive.

The workshop and discussion will explore the causes of exclusion and inadvertent social exclusion:

  • Why does it often go unnoticed?

  • In what settings does social exclusion most happen?

  • How can we spot the presence of social exclusion?

  • What effect does this kind of exclusion have on the young person and on the community?

It will also explore approaches to promoting inclusion:

  • What methods would be effective in raising greater awareness about the importance of inclusion work?

  • How can we promote inclusion in our youth, education or communal work?

  • How can faith provide the impetus for an inclusion agenda?

The event will take place on Wednesday 20th November at 5.00pm-7.15pm at the Chapel, Westminster Central Hall, Storey’s Gate, London SW1H 9NH.”

If you would like to take part in the discussion, please contact Mustafa on or 020 7569 9098.

Free tickets for the Paralympic Games for young people affected by the 2011 riots

LOCOG’s Duncan Green writes

“LOCOG has allocated me 100 FREE Paralympic Athletic Stadium Tickets to be used on the evenings of the 5th and 6th September (50 each night).

These tickets are for young people in the communities affected by the riots, that we in the faith communities are in touch with.

I invite you to nominate named individuals to be entered in a draw for a ticket.

I also invite you to identify young people who have made an outstanding contribution to their peer group and community during this past year from these areas, again to be entered into a draw for a ticket. (Young people defined as 16-25 yrs .)

Please use your community contacts to provide names especially of those who are unemployed, in hard to reach groups or at risk and who otherwise would not get a chance to attend an event.”

Please let LBFN know your nominations asap, or email Duncan the names (and the person who has nominated them) by 12noon on August 29th when the draw will take place.

Tackling youth unemployment – free workshop

Do something practical about youth unemployment - CUF workshop, 16th May.

A great opportunity on Wednesday 16th May 10.30am – 3.30pm for faith-based groups to upskill & swap ideas on tackling youth unemployment.

The venue is Hinde Street Methodist Church, 19 Thayer Street, London W1U 2QJ.

It’s being run by the Church Urban Fund and Frontier Youth Trust (both Christian-based, but the workshop and CUF grants are open to all faith-based organisations). The blurb says

. . a workshop to inspire and equip churches and faith-based groups to support young people struggling with unemployment.

There will be a chance to listen and ask questions with a group of experienced practitioners who are involved in a wide range of projects tackling youth unemployment, including personal development programmes, job clubs and social enterprises.

The workshop is aimed at people who want to do something practical to respond to youth unemployment in their local area, either starting up a new project or building on existing work.

Workshops will include

  • Mentoring young unemployed people
  • Setting up a Job Club
  • Personal development and life skills
  • Running a vocational course
  • Social enterprises for young people
  • Working with young ex-offenders

Register here or contact Tom Sefton at CUF  or tel 7898 1647 for further info.

Lambeth: Youth Faith Forum/the riots, faith/climate change

A couple of excellent events coming up soon, organised by Faiths Together in Lambeth.

The Lambeth Youth Faith Forum will be meeting on Sunday 11th March 4.30pm – 6.30pm, at the Karibu Education Centre, 7 Gresham Road, Brixton, SW9 7PH.

Hussain Bapulah will introduce a debate about last August’s riots.  Young people aged 16-22 are welcome – more information and booking details on the LYFF website (which also has a great photo-blog).

Faith and Climate Change in Lambeth

Supported by Lambeth Council (Lambeth Green Community Champions) and the Skills Support Agency, an evening at the Jamyang Buddhist Centre, The Old Courthouse, 43 Renfrew Road, London SE11 4NA, on Thursday 22nd March at 6-8pm will include speakers from the Council, Transition Town Brixton, LIFE and others.  For more information and booking details, download the flyer.