Healthy mind, healthy body

healthy mind healthy bodyShort and enjoyable courses are starting in a local Islamic centre, a Buddhist centre, a church and a community association in Lambeth to find ways to a healthy mind and a healthy body.  Two of them are especially for women.

Faiths Together in Lambeth is working with the NHS to offer the 7-week courses.  FTiL’s Alan Gadd says

“Using a Health and Belief Grant from London Catalyst and Church Urban Fund, Faiths Together in Lambeth is supporting short courses on healthy eating, physical activity and mental wellbeing that are due to start soon.

The courses are being planned and delivered in consultation with partner health professionals in Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and South London and Maudsley NHS Trust.”

South London Islamic Centre, SW16 6NN (a course for women).  Wednesdays from 23rd October, 10.30am – 12.30pm.  Details from

Jamyang Buddhist Centre, SE11 4NA.  Thursdays from 31st October, 10.30am – 12.30pm.  Details from and flyer.

Loughborough Community Centre, SW9 7PD (a course for women).  Thursdays from 24th October, 10.30am – 12.30pm.  Details from or

Emmanuel Church, West Dulwich, SE21 8BU.  Fridays, 6.30pm – 8.30pm, details from

If you’re in Lambeth, or would like to do something similar in your borough, please contact the organisers above or email Alan at

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