Designing and improving public services | 20 April | CoProduction Conference

9959244_orig1This is a conference for those of us working with our local councils, NHS and other public agencies.

By bringing the experience and expertise of our local communities together with those of the statutory bodies, we can co-design and co-produce public services that make a big difference to people’s lives, that use public money more effectively and which tackle the inequalities we are all aware of.

If your faith forum, church, temple, Islamic centre, synagogue or gurdwara is working with (or interested in working with) your local borough council or NHS, please come along.

WCEN’s CoProduction Research Conference is on Monday 20 April at Springfield Hospital in south London (Tooting Bec tube) & is open to religious and community groups from across London.

One of the workshops is tailored especially for those of us who are interested in getting started on making a contribution to the physical health & emotional wellbeing of our communities.

Professor John Benington (University of Warwick) is a leading thinker in the future of how public services are evolving and will be speaking on “mobilising movement for whole system change in times of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity”.  The day will finish with a conversation between Prof Benington and Wandsworth Council’s Chief Executive, Paul Martin.

It’s an opportunity to share ideas from across systems and social networks: academics, policy makers, public servants, local religious & community organisations.

The conference is free of charge and includes lunch.  Download the invitation and the programme and email if you plan to attend.

Mental Health & Poverty | 26 March | Islington Faiths Forum

IFF best practiceIslington Faiths Forum is holding a best practice conference on Wednesday 26 March 9.30am – 3.30pm at Islington Town Hall. The topic is one which affects many in our communities: mental health and poverty.  The day will be practical, informative and inspiring.  If you are interested in developing and supporting work in your own borough on poverty and mental health, IFF would be happy to hear from you.

IFF’s events always bring a wide range of people together from local religious communities, from public agencies and from academic and research bodies. Participation is free and lunch is included.

Download the programme and flyer to pass on to your networks and apply to Roz Miller if you would like to attend.  Roz will also be saying a few words at our next LBFN meeting on 11 March.

Healthy mind, healthy body

healthy mind healthy bodyShort and enjoyable courses are starting in a local Islamic centre, a Buddhist centre, a church and a community association in Lambeth to find ways to a healthy mind and a healthy body.  Two of them are especially for women.

Faiths Together in Lambeth is working with the NHS to offer the 7-week courses.  FTiL’s Alan Gadd says

“Using a Health and Belief Grant from London Catalyst and Church Urban Fund, Faiths Together in Lambeth is supporting short courses on healthy eating, physical activity and mental wellbeing that are due to start soon.

The courses are being planned and delivered in consultation with partner health professionals in Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and South London and Maudsley NHS Trust.”

South London Islamic Centre, SW16 6NN (a course for women).  Wednesdays from 23rd October, 10.30am – 12.30pm.  Details from

Jamyang Buddhist Centre, SE11 4NA.  Thursdays from 31st October, 10.30am – 12.30pm.  Details from and flyer.

Loughborough Community Centre, SW9 7PD (a course for women).  Thursdays from 24th October, 10.30am – 12.30pm.  Details from or

Emmanuel Church, West Dulwich, SE21 8BU.  Fridays, 6.30pm – 8.30pm, details from

If you’re in Lambeth, or would like to do something similar in your borough, please contact the organisers above or email Alan at

Mental health and poverty | Islington Faiths Forum

IFF-mental-health-flyer-v2 (2)Islington Faiths Forum is working with Islington Public Health and London Catalyst and invites us all to this excellent event on Wednesday 20th March 9.30am – 3.30pm entitled Best Pratice and Networking Conference: Mental Health and Poverty.

Details are on the flyer above and programme, which is downloadable from the IFF website.  Contact Roz Miller if you would like to attend.

Peace and co-production

Three top events next week!

We reflected on the London riots at our LBFN meeting last Wednesday – a wide range of voices, a great depth of understanding.

Restoring Peace at Oasis Charities Parliament is an opportunity to share your views with the Communities and Victims Panel at 6.30pm on Wednesday 28th September at The Oasis Centre, 1 Kennington Road, SE1 7QP.

Islington Faiths Forum is holding a Peace Celebration this Sunday at 3.30pm at St Mary’s Church, Upper Street, N1 2TX.  There will be poetry and singing – an event for all age-groups.

All are welcome.

Interested in making public services better – especially for people who depend on them most?

Wandsworth Community Empowerment Network is inviting everyone who is keen to see local faith groups get involved in co-production (and anyone who wants to find out what it is) to a major gathering.

Closing the Gap III will take place at the Samaj Hall, 26b Tooting High Street, SW17 0RG on Wednesday 28th September at 4.30pm.

Click on the links to find out more and/or register.